Leather Brake Pad Maintenance for Cycle Bikes

Comprehensive Guide

Maintaining the leather brake pad on your indoor cycling bike is crucial for ensuring both the longevity and optimal performance of your equipment. Regular cleaning, ideally every 2-4 weeks depending on your usage, helps preserve the pad's effectiveness and resistance. To get started with the cleaning process, the first step is to carefully remove the leather brake pad from the bike. Proper maintenance of this component is key to keeping your indoor cycling sessions smooth and efficient. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to remove and clean your leather brake pad effectively.




STEP 1: Remove the leather brake pad, Lower the resistance as much as you can. This will lift the brake pad, making it easier to remove. Use a wrench to unscrew the two bolts that connect the brake to your bike’s frame. Once you have removed the leather brake pad you can simply replace it with a new one. 



IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are experiencing a loud noise (squeakiness) in your bike or are
having trouble with resistance, then you may need to clean and lubricate or replace your
brake pad. Lubricating your brake pad will help prolong the life of the resistance tension
and keep you from having to purchase new brake pads.

For Cleaning: To clean the brake pad, pour a small amount of 3-in-1 oil and use a wire brush to
scrub away any dirt or debris. Sometimes the leather is completely smoothed down and needs to
be brushed. The combination of lubricant and scrubbing will make the tension resistance more
effective and reduce the amount of squeakiness or screeching that may be there.



For additional assistance, please feel free to contact Sunny Support. 

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