SF-RB4850 Troubleshooting the E1 error code

This guide will help you troubleshoot the E1 error code, which may prevent your computer from functioning properly. Follow these steps to resolve the issue and restore normal operation.


Error Code E1

An E1 error code can be caused by a few different issues. Let's go through the common causes and solutions:

  1. Bad Outlet or GFCI Outlet 

  • Test multiple outlets around your house. 

  1. Faulty Surge Protector or Lack of One 

  • Try using and testing the surge protector. 

  1. Damaged or Faulty Wiring 

  • Follow the instructions below to check the wiring and bypass the main wire if necessary. 

  1. Motor Issues

  • Check for a stuck motor, faulty motor, or disconnected tension wire from the motor.


Important: Before attempting any steps, unplug the unit for safety.


Step 1: Check the Extension Wire

You will need to partially disassemble the unit to inspect the Extension Wire. Make sure the unit is unplugged.

  • Look for visible damage to the Extension Wire (e.g., bent prongs or pinched wiring).
  • If there's damage, that could be the issue.
  • If there is no visible damage, remove the meter, take off the supporting post, and disconnect the Extension Wire.
  • Now, connect the meter directly to the lower frame wiring and test it to see if the error code clears and if you can get a reading for miles and calories.

A machine with a diagram and a hand holding a screwdriver

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Note: If bypassing the Extension Wire worked, contact us for a replacement wire.


Before moving to the next step: Check your crank version.


Step 2: Reconnect the Wiring Around the Motor

Remove the Left and Right Pedals.

Remove the Power Port Nut:

    • Unscrew the securing nut for the power port and push it through the cover to avoid damaging the wiring.
    • Remove the Screws on the Covers:
      • Use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the covers and carefully maneuver them off the cranks.
      • If you have a 3-piece crank, you’ll need a 22mm crank puller to access the motor. Contact us if you need assistance with this tool.  

A close-up of a tool

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Instructional Videos:

     3-Piece Model: 0:00 to 4:20 for the cover removal process


  1. Reconnect Wiring Around the Motor: 

  • Once you have access, disconnect and reconnect all motor wiring. 

A close up of a machine

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Test the Unit: Plug it back in and test while the unit is still open. 


Below is a video demonstrating how to resolve the E-1 error code. Please note that some parts have been removed in the video for clarity, but you do not need to remove them from your unit. Additionally, you can skip the section where the computer case is opened.


Following these troubleshooting steps should help resolve the E1 error code and restore your device to normal operation. If the issue persists or if you identify any damaged components, please don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance with replacing any necessary parts. We’re here to help!


For more information, please see the video below:



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