Recumbent Bike Pedal Assembly Guide (SF-RB4708)

Pedal Assembly 

STEP 1: Many Sunny Health & Fitness machine parts come preassembled to save you time during the assembly process. To install the pedals on the SF-RB4708, you’ll need an alloy bushing (#29) and a spacer (#30), which are already assembled. The flat washer (#39) is separate. See Figure 1.


STEP 2: You will also find that the simple bearing (#24) is already attached to the connecting board (#10). See Figures 2 and 3.



STEP 3: Connect the pedal to the connecting arm through the simple bearing. The threaded pedal insert should face the recumbent bike. See Figure 4.


STEP 4: Attach the spacer (which has the alloy bushing installed) to the other side of the pedal. Then, slide the flat washer behind the spacer. See Figure 5. (Note: When installing the pedal into the crank, screw the right pedal clockwise and the left pedal counterclockwise. Warning: Screwing the pedals improperly can damage the parts.)


STEP 5: Connect the threaded end of the pedal into the crank. Turn the right pedal clockwise (or the left pedal counter-clockwise) until it is screwed securely into the crank. See Figure 6.


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