Recumbent Bike Noise Check

If your recumbent bike starts making noise it's always best to get the issue resolved as fast as possible before the sound gets worse. Please follow these steps on checking your Recumbent bike if it is making a noise.


Step 1: Check all exterior bolts making sure none are loose, (if you have a Recumbent bike with armbars please check the bolts holding the arms bars making sure they are not loose.)


Step 2: Check your pedal bearings (To do this all you would need to do is spin your pedals they should spin freely if they get stuck or are jumpy the bearings may need to be replaced) 

Step 3: Take off the side covers for your model (If you are unsure how to do this please see the Side Cover Removal article.)

Step 4: Remove the belt off the belt wheel for we will need to check four parts. (If you are unsure how to do this please see the video below:

A) Once the belt is removed check the flywheel bearings and the belt wheel bearings. (To do this all you need to do is turn both the flywheel and belt wheel separately) 

B) Check the magnet plate for it could be rubbing on the flywheel. (For info on how to, please see the article How To Check Your Magnet Plate)

C) Check to make sure the flywheel itself is not rubbing up against the frame. (When you pedal it would be very stiff and you would hear scraping noise)

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