CB-110: How to Connect the Cadence Sensor

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How to Connect the Cadence Sensor to the SunnyFit App

STEP 1: Open the SunnyFit App on your device. Select the Add Equipment icon at the upper right-hand corner of your screen.


STEP 2: Make sure you are actively pedaling and the Bluetooth will search for the cadence sensor. Once found, select the Cadence sensor option on the screen.

(Note: You must be actively pedaling for the cadence sensor to appear on screen.)



STEP 3: You will then be prompted to "Select Your Bike/Elliptical" on the screen. A new screen will pop open with all the different models that we have available. Please select the model that you own.

(Note: If you do not own a Sunny brand bike, select a model that looks similar to your own.)



STEP 5: Once you select your model, you will see the item on the screen, and just below that you will see in red letters that the Sunny Cadence sensor is bound to it. Selecting "Go Workout" will take you to a list of courses. You can also explore the app for other modes and workout options. 

STEP 6: When starting a workout, you will need to connect the cadence sensor again but the device and model will already be saved for quick connection. Again, the crank arms need to be rotated for the cadence to connect to the app. Once the Bluetooth signal lights up, you can select the play button to begin your workout. 


If you need any additional assistance, please contact us at support@sunnyfit.com



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