SF-B901: How to Replace the Brake Clamp
STEP 1: Remove the nut (Part 58) from the tension knob (Part 11) using a size 17 wrench or an adjustable wrench.
STEP 2: Keep turning the tension knob until the cable (Part 63) is removed from the Clamp Brake Holder (Part 42).
STEP 3: Remove the Brake Pad (Part 65) from the Clamp Brake Holder.
STEP 4: Squeeze the clamp brake holder to reveal the screw (Part 51) and insert a size 5 Allen wrench.
STEP 5: Remove the plug (Part 24) from the mainframe using a flathead screwdriver.
STEP 6: Remove the nut (Part 56) from the mainframe. You should be able to remove the entire Clamp Brake Holder.
(If the nut falls inside of the frame, remove the cap (Part 25) from the mainframe.)
STEP 7: Reinstall the new Clamp Brake Holder and other components.
For more information, please see the video below.
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