Treadmill Motor Belt Replacement

How To Replace Your Motor Belt

STEP 1: Turn off and unplug your machine. 

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STEP 2: Remove all of the screws from the motor top cover using a Phillips head screwdriver. (They are held together by approximately 4-5 screws along the side of the motor cover.)

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STEP 3: Remove the end caps of the treadmill using a Phillips head screwdriver.

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STEP 4: Loosen the bolts of the rear roller in order to release some of the tension of the treadmill and make it easier to remove the motor belt.

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STEP 5:  Unscrew the bolt from the front roller with an Allen wrench.

(Note: Take a picture of the bolt before unscrewing it as you will need to re-tighten it to the same position it was when you screw the bolt back in.)

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STEP 6: Remove the motor belt from the motor belt wheel by applying pressure on the belt with one hand and roll the front roller/running belt with your other hand until it comes off.


STEP 7: Remove the front roller from the unit and remove the motor belt.


STEP 8: Install the new motor belt and reinstall the front roller to the frame. 


STEP 9: Screw the tension bolt into the front roller. (Note: Tighten to reflect former position before unscrewing.)

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STEP 10: Connect the motor belt from the motor to the roller. Manually turn the motor to roll the belt onto the roller. 

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(Note: Make sure the motor belt is aligned to the center of the motor and front roller. Off-centered belts are prone to damage.)

For more information, please see the video below:

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