SF-T7603 Motor Belt Replacement

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SF-T7603: How to Replace the Motor Belt

STEP 1: Remove the screws (Part 50) from the Motor Cover.


STEP 2: Remove the damaged belt from the motor.


(Note: Apply pressure on the belt with your index and middle finger pressing on it, while moving the running belt. This will cause the belt to jump over the grooves of the motor belt wheel, and the belt wheel will come off of the motor wheel. Please do be careful with your fingers while doing this step.)

STEP 3: Raise the running board and remove the left and right rear covers (Part 17 and 18) by removing the screws (Part 50) from them. 

7603_MotorBelt_Step3.PNG 7603_MotorBelt_Step3A.PNG

STEP 4: Bring down the running board. Use a #5 Allen wrench to loosen the screws located next to the rear roller.


STEP 5: After loosening those screws, remove the bolt that holds the front roller in place. This will allow you to remove the front roller and remove the belt from the belt wheel.

7603_MotorBelt_Step5.PNG 7603_MotorBelt_Step6.PNG

STEP 6: Install the new motor belt onto the unit.


STEP 7: Reinstall the bolt into the front roller again to secure it in place.


STEP 8: Reinstall the motor belt by placing the new belt onto the grooves of the motor first, then align it onto the belt wheel. Spin the belt wheel and the motor wheel to get the leverage needed to install the belt.

7603_MotorBelt_Step8.PNG 7603_MotorBelt_Step8A.PNG

STEP 9: Adjust the bolts on the rear roller to align and tighten the running belt.


(Note: Please be aware and keep track of how many turns you have done on both sides. If not done properly, this may cause the running belt to become misaligned and/or loose.) 

STEP 10: Reinstall the Left and Right Rear covers and the motor cover.


For more information, please see the video below.


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